Saturday, November 18, 2006
I was jogging/walking through the rain to the gas station next to my work to pick up some wheat thins to go along with my lunch and I slipped in a combination of slippery rubber shoes, slick asphalt, on the way down I scraped both my palms, my right knee and elbow and somehow managed to twist my right ankle. I stumbled the last 5 or 6 steps into the gas station, looked down, and saw what appeared to be a tennis ball underneath my skin on my right ankle. I went to the ER right away and after x-rays they said it wasn't broken, but it was a level 2 sprain, which is where the ligaments overstretch or tear, so I'll be out of commission and hobbling around for a few weeks at least. The picture is of the comparison of my bad leg to my good leg, after icing and keeping it up for the last 2 days. It's swollen and black and blue all the way from the side of my ankle to my heel. Its about 500 times better than it was.

Oh...I feel your pain. My elbow is healing nicely from my fall down in the street outside the Dixie Chicks concert.
Ouch!!! Hope your ankle feels better soon. I'd prescribe two "Sno Balls" and a Diet Coke :)
Ouch! Good thing your married a doctor.
Get well soon,
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