Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Day

I'm in Fargo for Thanksgiving this year, which so far has been really nice. My dad and stepmom flew in to meet halfway and we have been having a fun time seeing old friends and family. I called Mike to check in on how his holiday was and we had the most bizarre conversation. He took the cats with him to his parents house 6 hours away from ours. It was either that, or pay to have someone give Chico a shot twice a day. Today when I called to see how his Thanksgiving was he told me good, but that the cats were starting to get a little "freaked out" everytime they went into a car. Well, I told him they shouldn't be freaked out still, they got there yesterday afternoon. That is true, but apparently he took them to his granparents house for the bit Turkey Day and fed Chico turkey and Henley some roll. This from a man who "hates" the cats...I think not.

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