Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Adventure Needed

It’s August already and in the coming weeks and months there is much to be done. But, it’s nearing the end of summer and I’m getting a little bored of Michigan and wanting some adventure! I want to get out of town, even for a few days, although with the wedding coming I don’t want to spend a bunch of money. I’ve been researching places we could go, without flying, and without driving for a full day. I’m not sure we’ll even have the opportunity to go, especially with a wedding to pay for, but here are the contenders:

Niagara Falls – About 5 hours away, but I’ve never been there and it would be interesting. Besides antiquing, I don’t think there are a lot of other activities in the area.

Cleveland – A bout 3 hours away, home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and on Lake Erie. I’ve never been to Cleveland, although I’ve heard some good things about it.

Pittsburgh – About 5 hours away and a big city full of lots of different activities. I have been to Pittsburgh before, but not since high school and it might be fun to see it again.

Chicago – About 4 hours away, and full of hustle and bustle. We visited there last October and it was HOT, but we saw a lot and had a good time.

Toronto – About 5 hours away, and technically a ‘foreign’ country. There are a ton of cultural activities and big-city attractions to stay busy for a weekend.

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