Friday, June 04, 2004

Counting Again

Another Count:
1 - Manicures I need to give myself
2 - The number of dates my mom as this weekend
3 - Hours I talked on the phone to one person last night
4 - Cards I had to purchase at Hallmark
5 - The number of overtime hours on my last paycheck
6 - Months a bottle of expensive champagne has been sitting on my desk
7 - Load of laundry I need to do
8 - Size of a little girls shirt I bought as a present
10 - Ounces of Diet Coke with Lime I've had today
15 - Cent increase on a bag of Cheez-It's in the vending machine
20 - The number of houses my girlfriend and I are going to look at tomorrow
36 - Days until my birthday

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